Friday, July 18, 2008

Seven of Wands


Grant me the courage to stand up for the faith. Help me to look upon times I have been hurt in the past when taking risky stances as graced moments. Help me to forgive those who have oppressed and supressed me. Resurrect me from these descents into a continuing ascent toward your truth.



Roger D. Curry said...

Friend Christopher, the prayers I dimly see (consult Pastor Josh re my own halting path toward anything vaguely resembling convention) but the allusion to cards escapes me entirely. Is it permitted here to seek understanding that my simple mind can follow?


Christopher Rodkey said...


Glad to hear from a fellow heretic and thanks for reading. I am attempting to pray through the tarot, using the images and the traditional interprtations of the cards. If I stick with it, the cards when they appear in a typical tarot spread have different meanings when they're inversed, and I might go through that.

The image of the 7 of wands is a person in a bed waking up with several (seven) swords gazing down on the disturbed sleeper. Traditional interpretations of the 7 of wands are courage against unlikely odds, triumph over suprression and oppression, and I took from the image a re-awakening or resurrection from sleep.

Does this make any sense? I hope that my idea of praying through the tarot goes through anything "vaguely resembling convention."